Sixty is nifty??

Yikes, can it be? I turned 60 this year. Impossible, I still feel 40, except when I’m getting out of bed, or standing from a sitting position or trying to open a jar! I swear they put them on tighter and tighter every year!! I have embraced the 3pm nap,…

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Snow, birds and darning

Woke up to snow covering the day-lilies this morning. Had our morning cappuccino watching the birds fly in to get the birdseed we put out on the terrace for them. The Redwing blackbirds and cowbirds are back. Along with our regulars; Chickadees, Wrens, Sparrows and Cardinals. ..Picked up my tattered…

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Game nights

Enjoying lots of game nights here in Delaware. Settlers of Caron, Ticket to Ride, Scrabble, Rummy, and Secret Hitler are some of our favorites lately. We even had a four hour game of Monopoly. Siera was the victor! I hope everyone is well! I tried to submit photos but no…

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