Garden coming along.
Welcome Cousins
Please take a few minutes to explore your Cousins Forever website. You can click on a link to your Family group (Dan, Joe, Tony, etc..) (on your phone click those three little lines to get menu) and see what has been posted under that name. Or click Home and see all the posts. It’s all about joining in, continuing our traditions, making new ones, exploring new paths and sharing that journey with each other. Enjoy!
Note: You must register (create specific User Name and Password to use as your Login) to be able to Post News and Comments on this website. User Login, Registration and Reset access is on Submit Your News page after the news entry form.
Cousins Write
Here are links to stories that Cousins have written about their family:
> Chiara Gualano and Francesco Maiorano: A Love Story - By Joyce Thomas [READ]
> Emily Jean Mariano Thomas - By Joyce Thomas [READ]
Share a story about your Family (or anything Cousins related too!). Just EMAIL your stories to us for posting we will do the rest!