Thomaston, CT Cousins checking in


All‘s well here, Bobs getting a little stir crazy but I’m keeping him busy with a few home projects 😁 Today I started on yard cleanup and decided I’m putting in a garden this year, which means I have another project for Bob………”Honey, can you make me a greenhouse?” I have been cooking up a storm . I’ve been working from home for the most part for the church. We’ve been having online services for a few weeks now on Zoom. It’s nice to be able to see everyone but I will be happy to get back to a traditional service. Just trying to adjust to this new normal. A friend of mine and myself have organized a mask project where anyone who can sew (not me!) can get a mask kit that has instructions and supplies to make 5 masks. Our hope is to get them to hospitals in our area or anyone at risk. Easter will be so strange not getting together with my family but Jean came up with a great idea. “Drive by” Easter where she offered to make and deliver spinach pie and honey cookies on Saturday to any of us who wanted them. Of course I took her up on that 😋 Hope everyone is well and as our wise cousin Joyce Jean said “ this too shall pass” 😍 p.s. Tucker says hi👋


  1. Great to hear! Stay well and ❤️ to all!

  2. Hey little Joycie,
    Glad you are well and keeping Bob busy. 😉
    Wish Jean Frances would do a drive by here. What a great idea. Have a good Easter.

    Big Joycie (as opposed to Old Joycie).

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